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ResourcesWeekly Share

Time To Pause And Reflect

By September 21, 2020September 30th, 2020No Comments

My Weekly Share

Sharing my weekly thoughts, resources and new projects. This week, I’m reflecting back on 2020 thus far.. what a wild ride it’s been!

 Hello there! 


As summer is slowing to an end, I’ve paused to reflect. I wanted to extend a thank-you to you and the journey we’ve taken together so far. 

To put it lightly – this year has been FULL of surprises! Like most of you, I set out to make 2020 the best-year-ever. Obviously the world had different plans.


Things shifted. 

Life got re-worked. 

And a whole crap load of people suffered in the process.


Doesn’t sound like a fun time now does it? 

With this in mind, I’ve extended my expertise to those who need it most. I started the pandemic phase by offering $50 sessions. This worked until I was so overwhelmed that I wasn’t managing my energy properly. I had to step back, breath and set in motion some MAJOR boundaries moving forward. Just like you, I’m not immune to the effects of these unique world changes!


2020 has been a shift in energy. It’s an awakening.

Through this process, I’ve landed on some ah-ha moments I’ll share with you now: 


  1. Never take time (or your existence) for granted
  2. Do the work. Put in the time. It’s worth it 
  3. You’re doing a helluva better job than you think!
  4. Health, mental wellbeing and loved ones are most important
  5. If you can manage your energy and boundaries – wonderful things will happen 


Oh, and *mental note* – buy stocks in hand sanitizer and medical masks! For next time, cuz we know there’ll be a next time. There’s too many people who occupy this wonderful earth to not have this happen again.

SO – where do we go from here?

For starters, just know I have your back. Whether it’s a friendly text, an email update, a scheduled call or walk and talkI’m here for you. Far too often we coach together and conclude that relationship, and I’m left wondering where you went! It’s a special bond we create while working together, and I am ALWAYS interested in what you’re doing now and for the future. So, don’t hesitate to reach out! 


Lastly, I’m in the works of creating FUN products for you – so stay tuned. Yes, I know I promised this a while back, but we’re all moving at a slower pace these days, right!?


Thank you so much for reading and I hope to speak with you soon!

Jessica Elliott | High Performance Leadership Coach

Certified High Performance Leadership Coach (CEC, ACC), empowering Athletes, Founders, and Executives to achieve peak performance and leadership excellence.